Showing all 12 results

ESP-01 ESP8266 Serial WIFI Transceiver Module

SKU: SE49562
90.00 (Incl. Tax)
The ESP-01 ESP8266 Serial WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module is a self-contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give

ESP32 CAM Development Board WiFi Bluetooth with OV2640 Camera Module

SKU: SE63671
550.00 (Incl. Tax)
The ESP32-CAM has a very competitive small-size camera module that can operate independently as a minimum system. ESP32-CAM can be

ESP32 Development Board WiFi+Bluetooth 38 Pin

SKU: SE81719
440.00 (Incl. Tax)
ESP32 Development board is based on the ESP WROOM32 WIFI + BLE Module.It’s a low-footprint, minimal system development board powered

ESP32 Development Board with Wifi and Bluetooth

SKU: SE17639
380.00 (Incl. Tax)
ESP32 Development Board with Wifi and Bluetooth ESP32 Development board is based on the ESP WROOM32 WIFI + BLE Module.It’s

ESP8266-01 Adapter 3.3V 5V Board

SKU: SE87133
120.00 (Incl. Tax)
ESP-01 Adapter 3.3V 5V Board An ESP-01 Adapter 3.3V 5V Board for ESP-01 Wi-Fi module voltage regulator circuit and onboard

NODEMCU – ESP8266 Wifi Development Board CS340

SKU: SE41133
240.00 (Incl. Tax)
NodeMCU is a IoT Module based on ESP8266 wifi Module. NodeMCU uses Lua Scripting language and is an open source

NodeMCU ESP8266 CP2102 board

SKU: SE51223
260.00 (Incl. Tax)
The ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 board has ESP8266 which is a highly integrated chip designed for the needs of a new

NodeMCU ESP8266 Serial Port Baseboard Lua WIFI Development Board

SKU: SE41916
180.00 (Incl. Tax)
NodeMCU ESP8266 Serial Port Baseboard Lua WIFI Development Board This baseboard is the Breakout Board for our NodeMcu ESP8266 V3

USB to UART-ESP8266 Adapter Programmer for ESP-01 WiFi Modules with CH340G Chip

SKU: SE45668
150.00 (Incl. Tax)
This USB to UART/ESP8266 Adapter Programmer for ESP-01 WiFi Modules with CH340G Chip converts the signal from a USB interface