Pixhawk PX4 Autopilot PIX 2.4.8 32 Bit Flight Controller-Good Quality
₹9,500.00 (Incl. Tax)
1 in stock
This flight controller is based on the rapidly evolving and refined Ardupilot mega or “APM”, an open-source
project from 3DR robotics. This amazing flight controller allows the user to turn any fixed-wing, rotary-wing, or multirotor vehicle (even boats and cars) into a fully autonomous vehicle; capable of performing a wide range of tasks even programmed GPS missions with waypoints with the optional GPS Module.
It is a full autopilot capable of autonomous stabilization, way-point based navigation and support for two
way telemetry with radio telemetry modules. It Supports 8 RC channels with 4 serial ports.
Various user interfaces are available for programing, reviewing logs, even some Apps for smartphones and
tablets. The optional telemetry radio allows for two-way radio communication giving you full control and provides live data back to your computer or tablet.
The list of what this flight controller is capable of has quickly been surpassed by what it cannot, with
features, flight modes, and supported platforms. The APM project is supported by thousands of users pushing this open-source flight controller to be one of the best systems available.
completely new autopilot functions such as sophisticated scripting of missions and flight behavior, and a custom PX4 driver layer ensuring tight timing across all processes.
existing APM and PX4 operators to seamlessly transition to this system and lowers the barriers to entry for new users to participate in the exciting world of autonomous vehicles.
The flagship Pixhawk module will be accompanied by new peripheral options, including a digital airspeed
sensor, support for an external multi-color LED indicator and an external magnetometer. All peripherals are automatically detected and configured.
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